
By Melissalynnae

There is beauty everywhere...

one just simply has to find it.

I was outside on my trampoline reminiscing on all the things that had happened in my back yard when I saw this on the side. I don't know why I found this to be so interesting but, for some reason it really struck me as beautiful. Just thinking about all the beautiful things that were put on this earth for us to look at has really made me thankful for everything I have and will receive. The world is such a better place when you stop to take the time to look at it from a different point of view. It makes everything I do so much more worth it. Work has become a whole lot easier because I look at all the beautiful things I can see from the top of Loggers (I work for an amusement park and that is the name of the ride I work on). It will I promise you make your life so much more worth it if you just as chicle as this may sound, take the time to stop and smell the roses.

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