
By Cigs

Lower London Road

A Leeanne spotted Cigs today. Sadly sans busboy, but, instead with the Ciglette boys. Who couldn't sit still and went all blurry.

After a morning of OT and an afternoon of shunting children about, we dropped G at gymnastics at Meadowbank and were heading for home for bath and Wimpy Kid books when we stopped briefly to do this one.

A recent addition to Edinburgh's tagging legacy, and although sadly outside Councillor Rose's patch, it another blight on society I'm happy to see.

More Salisbury Crag action as the light faded. And more light trails. And as for the conflicting speed limit signs... tch...! Perhaps Councillor Rose could deal with them as his Cigshunt seems to be yielding no results.

*Extra is a daylight version from a different day*

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