Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Quintessential English Countryside

It is at the moment, but I am standing on the intended route of HS2 railway line.  In a few years the line will come over the hill in the distance between the two woods, coming down the hill, between this tree and the wood on the right.

It's funny, I think of myself as progressive; someone who embraces change, supports new development, improving infrastructure.  But on this occasion, I wonder at the cost and resultant benefit of a project that purports to improve growth, by increasing the speed of travel and capacity on a single route.

I wonder if that money might be better spent elsewhere, maybe improving the lot of existing travellers in crowded commuter trains, or maybe spent in improving IT infrastructure for super high speed broadband, creating a robust platform for virtual meetings, stopping moving people around at the expense of the environment.  

"Jumps of soap box"

Ah well, at least it is a pleasure to walk along the footpath here at the moment.

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