Birthday Girls

Today was Poppy's birthday party, a joint one with her friend Alice who was born on the same day, which was handy as unlike Poppy Alice does not live in a building site and so we were able to host it at her house.

We hired a Hannah Montana party host lady, who although rather more Scottish than Hannah Montana, was brilliant. She entertained the children for 3 hours (1 more than booked) with games, dancing, singing... Really really good. The parents were able there fore to relax with a drink or two.

Then onto the Cricket Pavilion where all the players (including Alfie) received a presentation, another good evening although I think we are evented out for a day or two.

Supposedly some tiles more tiles, gutters, electrics, patio being finished and some other random tidying happening this week...

I know I have changed this, no reason other than I love this image..

Better bigger

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