
By CharlotteJ

Jackie Stewart

Today we were guests of the Victorian Government at the Melbourne Grand Prix.

Our suite was over the V8 pit lane and whilst we had a view of the start / finish line the actual view was quite hindered by plastic coverings to protect the people below and big screening to protect from the noise. 

Lunch was very nice and the champagne flowed!

We were very lucky to spend the day in the Paddock Club and it was not as 'snobby' or 'wannabe' as I first feared. I can't abide snobby wannabe people!!  

We did two pit walks, oh wow!  We watched and enjoyed!  The RAAF did a fly over.....oh my god I thought my ears were going to burst!

I think I have just become a F1 fan!!  Next time, I want to do more social then corporate as the vibe in the social areas was fantastic compared to the corporate suite we were in, but no complaints, its amazing we were invited as guests.

My blip is of Jackie Stewart and Chris.  Such a nice man.....we discussed tartan!!

Absolutely fabulous day!

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