Thug life in the museum

Spent a really good day with Sam......who has been testing my patience and threatening his position as no. 1 favourite son at the moment due to some less than charming teenage grunt the NESBReC sessions. We learned about how to record wildlife sightings in the north east, for everything and anything, and there was special sessions on wildcats, red squirrels, dragon flies, bees, hover flies and nature photography hotspots in the North east. All in all, just a good day, not in anyway a bum number.

There was, however, a really annoying woman who kept blowing her nose like a foghorn during the talks, spreading her congested convoy of gesticulating germs to the whole zoology building, there's always one pain in the bum like that....and this time it was me! I was very, very annoying.

Lunchtime we looked around the natural history museum, smuggling in chocolate biscuits to the no food allowed zone supplied by Sam's stealth raids on the affa fine buffet stash.

By the end of the day, I was more than ready to return to my sick bed....only to find the car battery had died. So too had my phone battery. AA to the rescue, which they did, very quickly. And I was soon home tucked up under the duvet again, nose blowing for Scotland, surfing about ways for Sam to go on to do Environmental Conservation at Abedeen Uni, and being a really bad patient again for Dave to quarantine.

Sam really enjoyed being immersed in and surrounded by all ages of environmentalists, it helped him realise his old mum wasn't an isolated mentalist, but that we are legion...........

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