Porty Politics

The Portobello Alliance group organised a sort of informal hustings at Tribe, giving people a chance for an informal chat with some of the candidates. Given the group's general Yes-leaning tendency I'm not sure if the invitation was extended to all parties or just their fellow travellers. Either way, those present were Ash Denham, from the SNP (candidate for Edinburgh East) and representatives from three of the parties only fighting on the Lothian list 'second' vote - the Scottish Greens, RISE and the Women's Equality Party. It was good to be able to ask candidates direct questions. Ash here seems to be on the left of the SNP and was refreshing to hear her say that the list was the opportunity to vote for the party you believe most in rather than trying to push the 'SNP Twice' message that is pushed a lot on social media as the only option for YES supporters whether SNP supporters or not.

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