Small world

I'm afraid I had to reload this picture as for some reason it was dated January 13th 2013! How did that happen when I took it yesterday! Apologies to those who had already commented!

Anyway, to repeat myself, we left Hampton and picked up Emily at Kew Gardens before pointing the car north-westwards towards home. 

We stopped for a meal at Forton Services on the M6, which is always recognisable by the concrete mushroom! To our surprise - and their's too -  we met some friends from Kilmelford at the food counter!

We'd booked beds for the night at Helvellyn Youth Hostel in the Lake District - no cheeky comments please! - and after negotiating the Kirkstone Pass arrived after dark to find that it was situated 2km from the road, up a steep and very rocky track!

We were mighty glad to find it and settled down for an early night.

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