
By Houblon

74th Goodwood Members Meeting - Alan Mann Trophy

An hour race for just GT40s starting at 5:25pm and running into the fading light, with a mandatory driver change. We watched the start from here, went down to madgwick to watch a bit more then up to the pits for the pit window to see the driver changes. The great thing about the members meeting compared to the revival is its not crowded and you have access to a lot of places that you don't at the revival - Like the pits. A couple of metres away from cars and the explosion of activity that happens when a car comes in for a driver change.  As usual earlier in the day we walked the circuit and saw a fantastic demo from the supertouring BTTC cars we used to watch at Thruxton 20 years ago. Another highlight was the ground effect F1 cars from the late 70s early 80s - especially the JPS lotus. They were lapping at sub 1:10 on a demo when the lap record is 1:20.  

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