In My World

By JoanneInOz

On Yonder Hill....

Early this afternoon, I stood beside my kitchen table, folding the washing that I had just brought in from the clothes line, mind full of, well, absolutely nothing.

Lets face facts, folding washing is really a brainless activity!

As I mindlessly folded item after item, peering off into the distance at yonder hill, I noticed dots.

Yes...dots. Moving dots.

I grabbed my camera. Have I mentioned before that I love my camera? Yes? Well, I have to say it again ~

"I Love My Camera".

I zoomed in on said dots on yonder hill, with the superist-duperist zoom my camera could muster....

Oh my goodness, they were cows!!

I have a very strong affection for cows (it may have something to do with my star sign). If stray cows decided to wander into my garden, I would let them stay, so long as they didn't disturb the birds and ducks.

So here is today's blip, presented as testament to the brilliance of my camera, and its super-duper zoom....

And of course, my equally brilliant eye-sight, which noted the dots on the hill. :)

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