Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Fun in the nearly sun...

It managed a balmy 13 degrees today ... I kid you not Alice was complaining hot it was .....
Children are drawn to water and mud ... AND back to the haunted house ... Which had been broken into even more and someone had tried to light a fire,clearly they have never watched Bear Grylls....

We did have one traumatic moment when Lucy got stuck in some mud which much to Charlie and Alices delight sounded like SINKING SAND... I of course being the best mother ever took photos and let DDLC rescue Lucy and her right Wellington .... #topparenting

Oh and I have a rant ...I'm sick to the back teeth of the passive aggressive memes that get put on social media about how useless parents are nowadays and back in the day we had no 'tablets' and 'smart phones ' blahhhh blahhhh blahhhh
They were NOT the good old days .. Every single fucking era says the same bloody thing ... THESE are the good old days ... Life evolves and moves on ... If you don't like it TOUGH.. I do... I did spend hours outside but I also spent hours inside annoying my mother ... I ignored adults and sulked .. Just like kids do now ... Get over yourselves and enjoy what you have .
OH AND STOP THE BANAL INSPIRATIONAL BULLSHIT QUOTES ... It makes you look like needy plonkers.

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