Sing along from the past

I have inherited a huge amount of music from my mother. There's a lot of hymn books and religious music as she was a chapel organist for 73 years and choir music as she was a choir accompanist (that's how she met my dad who sang in one of the choirs). She was a natural musician - she only had piano lessons for one term when she was a child.

She and her brother who was six years older went to the pictures every week and he used to buy her a popular song while they were in town. At home she would play the piano and he would sing (apparently he had a voice just like Paul Robeson). The war broke out and he became mid upper gunner in a Lancaster bomber. He was killed when it crashed in November 1944.

Every sheet of music has her or his name on and the year that it was bought. They are also in date order. They come to a poignant end in 1944.

The blip is just a fraction of the songs - they fill one of the old wooden orange boxes. Storage of her many precious things (not in the monetary sense) is quite challenging as I only have a small house!  

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