Thank YOU

I've received two envelopes in the mail with payment for my book, for which I am grateful.  The books arrived today from my publisher and I've sent three pieces off to the buyers, so a busy and messy afternoon.  I still need to clean up all that wrapping paper.  Tomorrow, I'll bring a couple with me for the colleagues.  No, I don't think I'll sell enough to get my costs back, but, well, my main goal was an official ISBN number and I have that -- 3 numbers, in fact:  1 for the softcover, 1 for the hardcover, 1 for Kindle.

This was one of the envelopes.  It's a homemade one, with what used to be fresh leaves.  I love it.  It feels like the sender is here with me.  Thanks a lot, E!  I hope you're okay!

Last week, hubby had tests at the physio and talks with the psycho.  Today, more tests at the physio and as well one with our GP for his lungs.  He's pretty much on the ball when it comes to these check-ups and I'm grateful for that as well.

Loads of mess here so I better get my butt off this chair and attack.

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