The second half of life..

By twigs

Croquet anyone?

Yay! Spent the afternoon in town finishing off Christmas shopping. This evening will be spent wrapping and writing and then tomorrow the parcels will be waved goodbye on their long journey around the world to England. Earlier than previous years but still an 11th hour rush!

On the drive home from town I pass a Croquet club. Usually there's nothing happening on it but today there was ACTION!! There would have been about a dozen or more folks playing and, although I don't even begin to understand the rules, they all seemed to no know what was going on and were quite obviously enjoying themselves. The sun might have helped too - the first day in ages that it actually felt summery (24 degrees I think)

Didn't do anything to the shed today which spared the neighbours a bit of noisy banging and carrying on.

Another photoshoot tomorrow morning with the family of the fingers I did last time and on Sunday the plan is to wash the house down then bug-proof it. Hmm - sounds like a busy weekend ahead!

OK - off to get some tea then wrap the pressies.

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