Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

A beach day

Camila couldn't come today, so Archie and I set off to the beach for a wee adventure. And a wee treat. A bacon bap for me and a liver muffin for Arch.

We walked along the Meadows to get the 42 bus. They are rather infrequent, and so when I saw it at the stop just before mine, and I wasn't there, I knew I'd miss it. But no, it was at a red light! So I hurried (my hurrying is pretty pathetic these days), dived across the road in between traffic, and managed to make it! Fortunately I then had a half hour journey to recover.

We walked down to the beach and along to my pal Betty's place. She wasn't in. Why didn't I ring her first? Back along to the wee caravan. This time we walked on the Prom, as I found walking on sand too difficult. Archie ran along the wall for a while. He met a tiny wee puppy on its first walk outside. Sometimes he can be a bit grumpy with puppies, but he liked this wee Foxy.

It was a calm day, no wind, though the predicted sunshine had departed in the morning. I am always ready for that bacon bap. And they do a very good flat white. We sat there chatting to folk - obviously a lot of locals use this regularly - then JR came from school. Another coffee for me while JR had a bacon bap. Then home in the car - a much nicer way to travel than the bus.

The crows really annoyed Archie. I didn't get a good shot, but that crow just sat on the wall right where Archie was trying to jump up - it wasn't the slightest bit scared. And there was a sweet wee starling singing for a bit of cake at the cafe. I know I shouldn't feed the birds, but it ate out of my hand, except that Archie kept popping his head up and scaring it off. I just realised - there are no seagulls harassing people eating at Porty - and how nice that is!

We're both flat out on the sofa now, ready for a snooze.

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