
This is a favourite place for J and I; it's an old deconsecrated church in the middle of York which is now a very popular spot for people to meet, eat good food and drink coffee and tea and so on. It really is an oasis in the middle of the hubbub of town. The bells haven’t been rung for many a day.
My afternoon has been spent thinking about and sketching out ideas for a teaching session which I'm going to be running in the next unit of the clinical education course. The session is about a subject very close to my heart for many years - how we can better engage patients with the process of clinical education. We're starting to get our clinical practitioner educators thinking about engaging patients in curriculum design and assessment of their students.
It’s becoming clear that I could do to make contact with some former colleagues, both in the States and in the UK. It's interesting how connections can reform in unexpected ways. It turns out that one of those colleagues from several years ago is very much involved in this area of patient engagement. His background is in healthcare management and now he actually experiences a long-term medical condition himself.
I think he owes me a pint too. Or is that the other way around?...

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