Herobrine is out; use of the left hand, igloos and beetroot soup are in. All the thrills and spills of a Minecraft update!
Earlier it would have been very handy to have been able to re-summon the Ender Dragon to sort out our fires. Instead, a lurker in London was our gatekeeper to the lovely Maria at the stove company - who had earlier firmly told me to bugger off and ask the retailer for help. Later, she was most helpful and patient despite my inability to understand that bouton sept was not the seventh button, but rather bouton set - that is, the one with SET written on it in big letters. Doh.
Obviously our heating guy should have been doing this but, after a fight this morning about how unfair we were to not pay him despite him not having finished any of the three stoves, or provided a bill, he went off in the huff. Hopefully tomorrow he will have done the 10 minutes of work required to finish the other two stoves, and we will have spent another several hours fixing the third stove, and he can be paid and never seen in these parts again.
And I think he broke the original third stove by not installing it properly. I will keep that fact in reserve in case of further grumpiness tomorrow.
In other news, sunny and warm. My neighbour's 'SooB's hanging washing out so time for a bonfire' radar is undimmed, and there is a lovely double set of visitors to look forward to this weekend.
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