
By ilonka

my super cool girl

I'm so grateful that tantrums pass, that most days we leave the house without tears (unless I did her hair wrong again, or her favourite dress is in the wash) and that generally I loose the plot less often. The last five years have truly been an emotional rollercoaster but things are looking bright and life seems much easier without every-two-hour feeds, nappies, pushchairs and a load of other crap you have to take with you every time you leave the house.
Having a (nearly) 5... year old is pretty cool. Being told that you're the bestest mummy in the world and that she wouldn't be able to find a better mummy makes my heart melt.
Birthdays are super important when you're that age and Emilia has been counting down for a month now. I don't think she's been that excited about her birthday before. Just two more days!

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