A Heart for Belgium.

It was Step Daughters Birthday today. 

The 3rd Big Birthday in 5 days! Mr W went to see her in her new house and took her out for brunch. I couldn't go as I was working, but then got cancelled so I could have gone after all!!! Mr W and Alex had strict instructions to get a Selfie together so I could blip it. They both forgot!!!! (Clearly not Blippers!). So he Skyped her when he got home to make up for it!!!

But the day was marred by the atrocities that happened in Belgium today with the triple bombings. Its a cruel world we live in and I just don't get it. So thats another Birthday to link with terrorism. My sons Birthday is on the 11th September. No one will ever forget that day either.

Apologies for the delay in the blip. I had the most awful headache all day and it was all I could do to keep my eyes open let alone look at a computer screen! Its a bit better today thank goodness.  

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