
By DawnAgain


I started early this morning and got the archaeology things done that needed doing and sent off, then I took the dogs to the common, and then the sun had come out so I dropped them off at home and headed off to Petersfield Heath to see what was occurring. I only had time for a quick circuit of the lake but that was long enough to see that the swans have built their nest nearer to the path this year, which is much easier to see, and one of the pairs of grebes have built theirs next door. Another pair of grebes were quite active on the other side of the lake and looked very fond of each other and I was hoping they'd do their weed dance thing for me but it wasn't to be. I'm not sure if it's too late for that or not but I'll definitely be stalking them over the Easter holiday.

Anyway, then it was off to work for me. Worryingly my RSI seems to have kicked in again, presumably due to overwork, but hopefully that will right itself during the next 11 DAYS of not being there.

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