Tractor Wednesday.....

Another busy one today,so tonight's Blip is a bit of a cheat.
Spent the day sorting out the rest of next weeks bullocks. That's 40 clipped now so should fill an artic load.
Contractor finished ploughing the steep 45acre field by tonight. Have ordered 130 tons of Mg lime for it as the PH is as low as 5.1. If the soil is too acid then crops don't grow well and don't respond to nutrients.
The one on spreading dung this afternoon managed to shear off one of the gear linkages on my Mc120,so made him finish the job with only 1st and 2nd gear. Will need to start phoning for bits tomorrow.
Tonight's Blip is a photo of a photo from Haddington show 2002.It is my late father sitting on our late Ford  3000 tractor.We had it for about 30 years,then swapped it with the dealer for repairs to my County crawler. He then gave it a total re fit and this was on their show stand. He later sold it to Ireland for £9K +. Needless to say I would have liked the chance to buy it back,but not at that money !

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