Bridging the gap

We were awake very early this morning, and yet another greyish day dawned :-/

I was rushing around to leave for mums on time, I managed to dribble toothpaste down my jumper, then I decided my boots needed polishing, the liquid polish leaked all over the utility room, down the front of the washing machine, took me ages to get rid of it all, my hands are still greyish!!! Once I did get on the road, I was stuck behind a dawdler.........doing 25 mph arghhhh!!

Stopped off for a quick blip en route, this is an arm that is disused, of a canal on the outskirts of Manchester.......not sure which one though :-/

I eventually got to mums, I was only 5 minutes late. We took mum to a mobility shop as we have been trying to persuade her to have a wheeled walker as she walks much better when she's got something to lean on. After a lot of faffing and reluctance mum agreed and bought the one she preferred.

Off for our usual shopping and lunch, but not around the supermarkets, as mum had her walker, we could venture around other places, so she was quite happy ;-)

We got back to mums, and I decided to look for her bottom teeth!!! Don't ask, it's a long story, but basically on Monday sis rang me to say that mum had lost her bottom teeth and that they'd searched high and low to no avail. I spoke to our dentist and made an appointment, but they could not see her for a couple of weeks. Whilst in mums lounge this afternoon, I noticed she had thinned out her flowers, deadheaded them and changed their water. So my thinking went something like this....she was sat in her chair, having had her lunch, taken her bottom teeth out on the way to the bathroom to put them in their pot, but on passing thevase of flowers, started messing with them and ends up with a handful of deadheads and leaves, then promptly went to the back door, opened her brown garden waste bin and threw in what was in her hand, which included her teeth lol!
So I went outside, tipped the bin on its side, got mums old garden hoe and thinned out the debris, and hey presto, there grinning at me, was mums teeth :-) fished them out, washed them, put them in a cup of sterident, good as new ;-)

Later on me and sis met up again for our Step and Pilates classes. New routines, I was all over the place at first....sis had already done them on Monday, but just about mastered it by the end of class! Probably still in the morning after all this!!

Had some sad news today, a friend who we met up with at our recent Brigade reunion has passed away........he had been very poorly but looked much improved, even well, a week last Sunday, RIP Barry.

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