I'm a dweller on the threshold

And I'm waiting at the door
And I'm standing in the darkness
I don't want to wait no more
That's always a sign of busy day, is it not? Out at lunchtime to the lock & key place to grab a haul of brassware including a very fine knob. Not the biggest, but it's a modestly sized door. It's got a lacquered finish but I guess it will still need the occasional bit of buffing up. A polishing. What? You see where I'm going here?

Later, out to call in at Nicky NickNick's to get a signature for this development company, of which I'm a Director. Herr Director. I like that. Very grand in the manner of a large tube. Aye, ok, it's just a subsidiary of the boat club. Then on to the usual place where we were briefly joined by the son and MsW with her kenspeckle Barnet. And Calum and his pal. The end.

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