Frilly and Frothy

Daffodils are such a symbol of Spring and you can see them everywhere you look at the moment, especially fitting as we are on the eve of the Easter Weekend.
Couldn't even begin to estimate how many varieties there are but this type is one of my favourites.
l don't know it's name but every week at this time of year when l buy a bunch from the supermarket l'm always looking for the ones that have the palest petals, a difficult task sometimes as they are usually in bud.
I particularly like the trumpets on my current bunch: almost like a ballerina's tutu: frilly and frothy.
I've tried to do a soft focus which has lost some of the sharp detail which l usually associate with the bright yellow ones.
I've changed my original entry as it just wasn't portraying what l wanted, hope this one is a little bit better.

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