An Artist's Life

By MariB

On the High Lonesome

With a storm cell to the north (extra) and a long, Big Sky vista to the south, we head back across the high plains of central Montana to my sheltering mountains. GlassRoad may remember this road.

Our show (the largest with 120 showrooms), which is part of Western Art Week in Great Falls, is just one of 21 venues that have a mini-gallery art show. There were hundreds of artists from all over the USA and thousands of buyers from the US and Canada. It's very tiring with 12-15 hour days, grab-a-sammie-when-you-can and try to sleep. Then pack it all back up and hit the dusty trail home to quickly unpack and redo the studio/gallery for expected visitors on Tuesday. Hence the back-blipping and lack of comments. Thanks for sticking with me.

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