Birthday Girl

It's been a big day for Miss E. Her eighth birthday and her last day at school.
Last night I had the bright idea of putting her new bike into her room so she was the first to see it when she woke up. Unfortunately she woke up at 5.40am, saw it and decided it was time for the festivities to begin!!
She had a lovely time opening her presents - including a fabulous sewing machine from Nanny.
Nutella on crumpets for a special birthday treat, a bit of computer building and coding, a quick photo of Miss L in her spectacular Easter bonnet (see extras) then it was time to set off to school. Trying not to dwell on the fact it was the last time I'd take Miss E.....
We went via Tescos to get some mini Twixes and Kinder bars for her to take in to give her classmates. We actually got to school early which made me laugh on her last day!
I was OK until I was leaving. As I drove out I started crying my eyes out. I hate it when things end. It's not that I'm upset about the new thing, just can't stand the old thing ending!!
The day was spent pretty unproductively. Watching Legally Blonde  and sorting through my old laptop to find the best pictures of Miss E I've taken over the years. I reached 2014 before it was time to go and get the Little Misses.
I managed to hold myself together while picking up Miss L (despite one of the dads doing his best to convince me I was making a terrible mistake!) until her lovely teacher looked sympathetic and encouraged me to "hold it together". Naturally when she said that I was instantly fighting back tears and unable to speak!!
I went to get Miss E, couldn't really speak to her teacher, started crying, was ignored by the head of year and walked back to the car with her for the last time. 
It could have been worse.
I cried a bit in the car and Miss E sweetly told me it was OK and that I "always get upset when things end". 
I also get upset when my child leaves the school she's been at since she was a baby and no-one does anything to mark it; no-one asks me why she's leaving and no-one could apparently give a shit.
I wasn't after a parade of unicorns but some acknowledgement. In the car on the way home tonight Miss E said she felt sad that she hadn't had a card like the other children have had when they've left. What am I supposed to say to that?
After gymnastics we headed to Pizza Hut to meet Mr K, Nana, Papa, Uncle B, Auntie L, Miss M and Mr T.  
We had a lovely time. More presents - roller-skates and science sets, lots of trips to the salad bar (before the waiter had been much to Uncle B's horror!!!), lots of trips to the fizzy drinks dispenser, tons of pizza, bowls full of sweets and ice cream and a proper candlelit birthday cake.
Lots of laughter with our lovely family!
As the day had started so early we all started to flag by about 8.30 and headed home. Miss L passed out instantly in the car, Miss E made it home for a few circuits of the kitchen on her roller-skates. I think she'd have slept in them if we'd let her!
Happy Birthday to my beautiful Miss E. What I wrote on her sixth birthday still holds true. She's a special little girl.

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