Aperture on Life

By SheenaghMclaren

A Little Corner of Colour

My garden is far from what I looked forward to earlier in the year.

There is no stopping the invasion of slugs that come in from the fields. The winds have damaged most of leaves on the tall plants and the constant watering ensures the flowers pass before the sunshine arrives to enjoy them at their best.

Although, on the whole, it's a sorry sight, looking through the window at this little corner, I mustered a little smile. This is probably as good as I'm likely to get this year so am blipping it, weeds and all.

I'm sitting in a strangely empty house. Mel is away for a few days and the effervescent company I enjoyed last night left this morning. My day at the coast with Lady D was a tonic, as was the evening, fuelled albeit by rather potent cider, of singing and laughter until some ridiculous hour.

I seem to have managed to sort out a complicated issue by sheer serendipity. I needed full time help for a stroke victim and when my friend mailed me from South Africa to see if I could put up a carer friend for a week, I thought she'd solved my problem. Not only has she sorted it but is coming over to do the job herself.

I met Heather some years ago when she was sent in to help with Irene after a fall. Not just a very experienced carer, she is a singer song writer who very often comes over during the South African winter, to work and write her material away from distractions. She's come a long way since then and her music is becoming very popular. She was one of the official artists at the World Cup in Cape Town and would like to use her free time to start putting out feelers here in the UK. Her music is excellent and her voice unique. I'm sure she'll do well.

Now I can relax for a couple of days and hope to get out into that garden!

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