Above And Beyond...

By BobsBlips

Machen Manor Midnight Moon

The Star Walk app on my phone indicated it was a full moon, and as it was dry, about 11.30pm I headed out to capture a picture showing it. I'm working on a project for the owner of the local manor so thought I'd try and get a photograph with the full moon over it. I've forgotten the gate code so it was a case of traipsing over the fields to get to it.

It was just as well as I prefer this one rather than those I took closer. By the time I'd gone through a couple of boggy fields the clouds had blocked out the moon and despite waiting a good while, by 12.30 I made my way back to the car.

I had a really busy morning work wise and didn't get to have breakfast until mid-day and shortly after my former son-in-law, Peter, turned up to do the paperwork for a long trm lease of a new car for my youngest daughter, Hannah, who lives in Southampton. It was good to catch up and exchange news since I haven't seen him since they (the oldest daughter) divorced about four years ago.

I'm working over the Easter holidays as is Mrs BB. I hope you all have a good holiday period.

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