
Can you tell how excited and happy I am?!!!!!!!
Ok - just poured myself a drink and will begin to tell how this all came about!
An ex coop member had contacted me months ago about the allotment coop taking his 3 girls - the local cats were chasing them and they were well stressed. His next door neighbours were delighted at the news as they have had rats nesting in their house and they swear it is the chickens and their feed. She is Homeopath Girl and also an ex - coop member! Well I never heard any more till this week - did we still want them, even though their children  were upset at losing them the time had come as the cats were still stressing them! I of course said yes and we arranged for me to get them today.
 I was up bright and early, but it was raining, and I knew from past exoperience the new girls would huddle in a corner of the plot too scared to join the rest undercover, so arranged to pick them up in the evening instead. They are all more docile at night and hopefully by morning would be more accepting of newcomers!
I went to waitrose to get some bits for the weekend, and a new phone and shower curtain - the former only partially shows the name or number of who is ringing or who I want - most annoying. It was manic! Everyone buying food for the weekend! I got all I wanted and more besides and came home and waited for the call to say they were in bed and I could go and get them. At 6 she rang and iIas down there in a flash!  I told their youngest girl she could visit them anytime and she could be an honorary member of the coop! Then out came the chickens!
 OH... MY... WORD! The most beautiful bantams! Isabella is a Silver Pencilled Wyandotte and pretty feisty! Pecked me several times! Pip is the white one that looks like a peacock and I think may be a Cheshire Blue  and is very timid and Henrietta is a Golden laced Wyandotte who seems inquisitive! If anyone knows what breeds they actually are please let me know!But one is an easter Egger as she lays blue eggs! Can you imagine it? Little blue eggs! If  you could hear my voice it would be very high pitched - in fact only dogs would be able to hear me - I just said it out loud to myself!!!
HOWEVER! they cannot go on the allotment! Way too small and would be seriously hurt if not killed by the other big girls up there! So they have come home to keep Tilly company! I'm not sure how much Tilly wants company, and how noisy 4 bantams may be, and it is too early to tell how flighty these new girls are. They were pretty stressed by being taken out of their coop, driven to the allotment and  then home and then taken out of the cat carrier and transferred to the coop! They were very quiet once in the coop and Tilly did not stir a feather! I may find I can only keep one of them - but which one?!!! Plus going away is going to be tricky - I can hardly take all 4 of them to AH14's!!!
So - exciting day tomorrow! After I have given all 16 girls on the plot their pedicure that is! Be prepared for lots of chicken blips! Not good photos as no time to really do a photo session with them!!! But you can just see how pretty they are - can't you?!! I may not sleep well tonight because I can't wait till morning and to see how they are all getting on!!

Only a few photos here - 2 of each!


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