Quiz Night

A good day. A fine morning at the day job, a couple of events sorted for the long weekend with friends and a client who cancelled at the last minute gave me the opportunity for a nap. I'm looking forward to getting back into a regular sleep pattern soonish.

In the evening I went along to the Skylark to join Dr T and our friend Mikey for the quiz. Our little team of three did rather well, coming in second place out of 11 teams. They have a jackpot question. Many people buy raffle tickets and if your number comes up you have to answer a question in 15 seconds in front of everyone. My number came up. Eighty pounds was the prize. I had no clue what the answer was and I didn't care - it was a good night and nothing was going to spoil it!

An old colleague was there, too (on the winning team) and it was great to catch up with him. We are FB friends but he's rarely on. Despite that appearance, he'd been following me and said he was glad to see me looking so much brighter and that he really liked my photographs. What an unexpected treat!

Happy long weekend, folks!

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