A half day out...

I've wanted to visit the old town of Stade (south of the river from Hamburg) for ages, so we planned earlier in the week that we'd go today.  It was a lovely old town with picturesque buildings and a nice atmosphere.  But the weather was awful!  Drizzling and grey and cold.  It was very quiet and dark in the old town so we walked around the whole area then went back to the car to head home.  We'll go back when it's warm and sunny.  
My extra photo was taken when we stopped on the way home to get Mr K some sausage and chips as he'd had no breakfast.  It's of a very small container ship heading into Hamburg on the river Elbe.  It was so misty we couldn't see across the river.  We're back home early - cutting the outing short. We've got two more planned for the weekend.  One into Hamburg and another to the North Sea coast... :-)

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