Software Carpentry

Last day of the workshop today and Imperial College is almost deserted. Only one of the food shops is open for business in the Sherfield Building. Thank god they were open, or else we would have starved or have to go walk a long way to find a proper restaurant.

Ive learn quite a lot today and yesterday. And if i have learned these things early enough in my PhD, i would have used them, most specially Git. The sticky notes were positive and negative feedbacks from the participants. Most of the negative feedbacks were about how the instructor talks so slowly. I didnt find that a negative aspect of the workshop at all. I even stressed that as a plus of the workshop. Well i guess, this is one example where people see things differently.

Took the 1930 Megabus service back to Coventry. We left London on time but arrived in Coventry more than 30mins than the advertised arrival time. It seems like people are scrambling to get out of London for the Easter holiday and our coach took forever to get out of London. Was dead tired when i arrived at the house since i didnt get to shut my eye during the whole journey. The guy beside me talked on his phone for 3 effing hours!!!!

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