Lazy Day

I had about an hours lie in this morning but was still up in time to surprise PD's owners when they dropped him off -- they expected me to still be pushing up zeds . I think 'habit' ha a lot to do with it.

It was a nice morning - if slightly snell in the breeze.
But before I found that out I was inspired by Alison and her wonderful tulip pictures to take shots of SWMBO's as the light shone through them.
The black and white one looks a bit muddy though so I will need to try again another day.

Flowers seemed to be the order of the day when I went out with PD as well.
I picked one snowdrop and carried it to where there was some nice light for the main Blip picture - and then halfway round our walk until I could put it on a piece of moss for a different sort of shot. The 3 other dog walkers passing were giving me strange looks for some reason ...... obviously not Blippers!.

I haven't worked out what kind of blossom this is - but it looks good with either a dark or a light background.

Whilst looking for abnormal bits of tree growth for my new project I happened across one on it's mark getting ready to run, one waving it's arms and winking, another one with a big nose going Wooo and pretending to be a ghost and lastly .............. the weird face (or 2) with the dog's head hidden in the shadow.

PD was collected as I neared home - he going to be knackered tonight because he was going golfing with his owners - which meant I had a quiet afternoon (SWMBO having headed to bed with a headache mid morning) which resulted in a 'Granddad nap' in he chair.

I could get used to this.

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