
By iaint


The best day for weeks as far as the weather was concerned. To celebrate, I set myself a few tasks and achieved them all.

(Actually, I haven't washed the lunch dishes yet, but I still have time... )

To reward me, the weather got better.

After work I took my courage in both hands and set off to visit Ma Taylor. She resides in North Berwick. A 100 mile round trip, taking best part of 2.5 hours.

(Ironically, I can see North Berwick from here, but the Firth of Forth keeps us apart... )

So I endure the frustrations of the M90 & M9 roadworks and the nutballs on the Edinburgh City Bypass, for the pleasure of 30 minutes with my ancient Ma. She recognises me, but doesn't know why. Tonight she asked me 6 times what car I drive.

What does she get out of it? And me?

Well, I did get to enjoy a few warm sunny moments on the beach and a delicious Indian dinner.

I've had worse days.

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