The Edge of the Wold

By gladders

Last flight

This photograph was taken of my father (the Old Flyer) on the occasion of his last flight and retirement as an airline pilot at 65.  He spent the last 10 years of his career flying with Jersey European Airlines, here he was captain on a Shorts 360 (I think).  He would have carried on flying commercially if he could, it was the love of his life.  On this last flight he did what he had always wanted to do, and blew the passengers a tune on his harmonica.

Twenty six years and nearly six months later, he died on this day, the 22nd of March 2016 aged 91 in a nursing home in Derby.  He finally let go of this life peacefully at 1950 hours.  I looked across at him and saw that he was not breathing, and his right eye had opened.  He had slipped away without a murmur.  Wifie and Gus were with me, and we were soon joined by the rest of the family.  It was a beautiful end to a long and eventful life, and an end to the many months of remorseless decline which had been painful to witness.  The ready smile and twinkling eye were there throughout.

There is a photograph of him as a dashing RAF pilot that I blipped in June 2011 out of immense respect for his fortitude and determination to overcome a succession of illnesses over the previous five years or so.  It really was one thing after another, but he kept bouncing back.  But in recent years, each illness weakened him a little more, and he declined gradually.  He adapted well as he became more dependent on support from carers and family, and he retained an independent life at home until 4 weeks ago when it became obvious that he needed 24 hour care. 

After 26 years when he has been more or less grounded,  he is free of terrestrial ties, and perhaps he flies again above the clouds in a starlit sky.  

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