Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Sleepy Hollow

In West End Lane near Esher in Surrey there is a funny little chapel that is made from corrugated iron and painted white, and looks like something out of New England. Very curious and part of a very pretty backwater (literally) where we spent a part of the morning walking. Had lunch in the huge Garson's Farm cafe before coming home. 

Lovely weather (but as far as Easter goes it's a case of"That's all folks" as it's all rain for the next three days). So we made the most of it and started pottering in the garden as well. Our friend and sometime gardener Mr. J dropped by with his partner (who is also an old family friend) to discuss patio concept and realisation. We ate hot cross buns and drank tea.

Tonight's Cinema Club outing was the first Robert Downey Junior Sherlock Holmes film, which looks fab on the big screen. An upside of wet weather may be that I get to watch lots of movies between now and back to work on Tuesday ...

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