
A gorgeous sunny day today so made the last minute decision to visit Smithills Farm for the egg hunt and to see the new spring baby animals. Seems we weren't the only ones who decided to spend the day out in the sun. It was heaving! Took us an hour to get in, but once inside it was great. The egg hunt was pretty well organised. We struggled to find any, with not being the overly competitive pushy types, so the Easter Bunny kindly helped them out once the rush had died down. The organisers made sure that every child got some treats regardless of egg hauls which was nice. Walking back to the farm afterwards we were quite disheartened to see the huge amounts of sweet packet/chocolate wrapper litter people had dropped so we found ourselves a little bucket and set about collecting it all.  Regardless of other people's morals, I'm not having my children think it's OK to just walk on by....

It quietened down a lot after the egg hunt and we were able to see the cows being milked and talk to the farmer, to feed the lambs, meet the 3 day old pot-bellied pigs, feed the cows, hold chickens, rabbits and guinea pigs. D was so gentle with the chicken. She was singing to him. Lily held the rabbit and was utterly fascinated by the snakes *shudder*. Callie enjoyed the bouncy castle! Thank goodness for Mummy's lightening quick reflexes though or she'd have been bowled over several times by the bigger kids flying!

Looking forward to seeing baby nephew again tomorrow. They're back home for a few days to meet more family and friends :)

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