Can you see it?

Yesterday afternoon the girls were hell bent on moving the garden box across the patio. I put it back into the corner twice and then put some house bricks inside to increase it’s weight. Later on the girls were showing R what they could do, Lottie had her teeth round the handle and was trying to move it.
R explained that they can smell mice!! Not surprising as the bird seed dropped from the feeder will be attracting them.
To avoid any damage to dogs or box, B has pulled it away from the wall so that they can run round it, sniff under it and hopefully see that there isn’t anything there and leave it alone!!
We went into town this morning and bought 3 water butts, a long handled cultivator (a 3 pronged rake sort of thing) and 2 tins of paint to do the garden bench!!

The weather has been reasonable up until 6pm when the wind got up and it lashed with rain!!!

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