Me in my summerhouse

'Beverley, you are such a hippy' was how my mum greeted me this afternoon, when she popped round and found me in my female version of a 'man cave'.

I woke a bit later than yesterday, but dozed. At 9 Mollie & I were both up as it was her first shift in her new job, in the cafe/bar of the theatre on Cromer Pier. She was feeling nervous and I was too, for her. I didn't tell her though.

I dropped her off just before 11 then headed home with ideas of things to do buzzing around in my head. I walked the dogs. I had tried to write a list, but there were so many things on it, I jumped about from one to the other for a while.

With sheets washed and blowing in a quite fierce wind, I tidied the kitchen, then got some lunch. I decided to get some power down to my summer house with the intention of doing 'stuff' in there. Once the lead was trailed from the garage all the way round the garden, I then found a lamp and radio. It was feeling cosy. I know it seems like madness, I had the whole house to myself, but chose to decamp to the bottom of the garden! I took my jewellery making stuff, the soldering iron, the paper, my glasses, lunch and a cup of tea. Sorted for several hours! What I like is that I'm outside, but not. I'm next to the chickens, and I can see and hear the birds. If Jon had been here, we probably would have had a little fire going, like in the old days! (We've been here just a year this Easter)

So this was me, not that successfully doing some experimental soldering. But it was fun. I also gave the grass a quick cut, which gave me a sense of achieving at least something positive today!

I collected Mollie at 5. It was cold and very windy in Cromer. She had an enjoyable day. Next shift is Monday and a bit longer, til 6.30. I know she will soon be up to speed with the pint pulling and various coffees.

After dinner we sat and watched my christmas DVD, Far from the Madding Crowd. Thomas Hardy is my favourite author, so I've been saving this until I was really ready to watch it. I really enjoyed it. As there was only football on tv, Thomas Hardy won by miles!

Now I need to think about what I do tomorrow without wasting my day. Chocolate eating is a definite, and I'm thinking of looking at my fabric for the next sewing project.....Mollie suggested curtains for my man cave equivalent....i like that idea!

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