Interstate 5
Interstate 5 is a 1381 mile highway that goes from the Canadian border to the Mexican border, traveling through the states of Washington, Oregon, And California. Part of the highway in southern California was built in 1948 eight years before the passage of the Federal Highway Act in 1956. It wasn't until October 1979 though that the highway was considered complete. I have traveled 99% of the highway in a Semi Truck and the other 1% by car.
Siskiyou Summit is located about mile marker 4 in Oregon near the Oregon / California boarder is the highest point along the highway. The second highest is Tejon pass at 4183 feet in southern California.
The other three signs are for people carrying or pulling a heavy load.
The first one is a recommended speed only because equipment, load center of gravity, road conditions and... Vary greatly.. The saying goes... "You can come off a hill a million times to slow but only once fast"
The second sign is a warning on how steep the road is and how long.. What it doesn't say is the 45 mph curves along the way..
The third sign is for those that have a mechanical failure or refuse to use that thing between the ears and come off to fast... Two days ago a truck was in one of those escape ramps. They will heavily damage the equipment and the driver will likely lose his/her job but the will live to see tomorrow. Myself had the air compressor quit coming down this hill about a dozen years ago. Without air, the brakes will lockup and possibly fail, cause a fire of both. Just because I was doing my job I noticed I was losing air.. Using what I had left to stop and call for me to be towed into the shop..
Currently raining hard in Eugene Oregon and they call for rain showers tomorrow.. Hope everyone has a great Sunday.
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