Cows and more cows
Full on day. Started at 7am making scones for morning tea at church. Both Date and plain so pleased everyone.
This afternoon Took my new American friends to catch the bus on the 1st leg of their journey back to the States. Then visited a sick friend and this evening have been helping two retired guys put photos together for them to show at Probus. The one whose photos they were had never touched a computer.
My image was taken in a rush as I headed home from town tonight and fog was staring to come in. It is of a few of the many thousands of dairy cows that plaster our landscape in this new farming era for NZ.
The extra is same as Good Friday but now showing the stone rolled away and the empty tomb.I love Easter Sunday with its positive music.
So that's Easter done and dusted for another year but hope its message always lives on.
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