Easter Sunrise

Easter Sunday 27th March 2016 (1310)

Alleluia! Christ is Risen! 
Happy Easter everyone! 

Up early, still in darkness. Could have done without the clocks changing today! 6.30am we were at the local farm for the Sunrise Service, of course it felt like 5.30am! After a short service we went outside to watch for the sun. The forecast hadn't been good and there was a bit of cloud around but thankfully a break in the cloud gave us a reward for getting up early. In fact, we saw two sunrises, one as it came over the hill, then it went behind a cloud and came back out again. This was taken at 7.09am. 

Because of the "later" start it was straight on to the 8am service. However, in between the 8am and 10.30am I still managed to put a sequence of photos together, set to music, so that everyone in church could enjoy the sunrise. 

Wonderful celebrations today. Now I've finished. I will be packing and setting off to Leeds for a few days off very shortly. We were lucky this morning, we now have a thunder and lightening storm for me to drive through! 

Easter sunrise 2014
Easter sunrise 2015

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