Covered in Bees

By PaulFS

Cuba Day 1

Such an exciting day. We've wanted to go to Cuba for ages but for one reason or another we've not done it until now. 

The best bit in many respects is not knowing what to expect!

We chose a twin centre, 4 nights in Havana and 10 in Varadero, and we knew this day was going to be long...

10 hour flight from Manchester and a 5 hour time difference, the flight was really good and uneventful. Read some books, crosswords, a couple of inflight tv things, bit of a snooze, a couple of gin and tonics. 

Queued at Varadero Security for ages, maybe an hour, where we all got webcammed and presumably cross checked against a list of undesirables.

I got through :o)

That heat that those of us who are from weather inclement countries feel when we get into a country that has more 'warm than not' was delightful as we left the airport to find our driver.

Walking to the car, we hear 'First Beer! Your First Beer in Cuba over here!' from a grinning guy across the way in sunglasses, holding up a can of Cristal Beer in a can that was dripping with condensation. I was so tempted but had not had the chance to change any currency. You can't get Cuban currency outside of Cuba so was scuppered!

Our hope against hope that the ride to Havana was going to be in a classic car, it wasn't but it was going to be 2 hours in the car so maybe comfort against style was priority.

The drive was coastal and we marvelled at the amazing cars, the rustic feel of the terrain, but mainly anticipation of Havana.

The sun was already setting as we arrived and some of the drive was up the famous Malecon strip, again amongst the fantastic colourful cars and people.

Arriving at our hotel a few minutes later, The Melia Habana was a few minutes drive outside of the interesting bits of Havana, and definitely not walking distance, but is was gorgeous with an amazing view (which is this blip).

It was already late, and we weren't hungry so we did a brief walk of the local area before drinks at the bar and looking forward to what the next two weeks would bring!

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