Easter Sunday

The weather was much better than forecasted. Plain sunshine all day. Left for a gentle but still longish Easter Sunday stroll just before noon. Half way up to Stafelalp, back to Lengmatta in Frauenkirch for a "Wätterguoge" on the terrace and back home at 4pm. Fitbit logged 20K steps and 100 floors.

Thanks to the daylight savings time, we have now sun in front of our "chalet" until 0530pm already. So Aperol Spritz and a bite to eat (from the neighboring farm) outside while I post my blip.

I will prepare local tender fillet beef and peppers/onions with coriander for dinner.

House of cards season 4 planned for later tonight. I also want to finish my travel bookings and visa application for the business trip in May in parallel tonight. #noDozingOffAllowed

It feels so good to have a Sunday evening without a "work" Monday morning afterwards.

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