... and then staple it to the ceiling

Gweithion ni yn galed iawn (iawn, iawn) heddiw.  Ro'n ni'n rhoi ynysiad ar nenfwd y loggia.  Dw i erioed wedi styffylu cymaint o ddeunydd uwchben fy mhen o blaen. Dyn ni'n bron yn orffen nawr ac dyn ni'n gobeithio i wneud rhywbeth mwy ymlaciedig yfory.

We worked very (very, very) hard today. We were putting insulation on the Loggia ceiling. I have never stapled so much material above my head before. We're almost finished now and we're hoping to do something more relaxed tomorrow.

I was interested to find that the Welsh for 'insulation' is 'ynysiad'.  'Ynys' is 'Island' (Ynys y Bari - Barry Island). So 'ynysiad' is something that makes something into an island. Which turns out to be exactly the same as the English 'insulate', which comes from Latin 'insulatus' - 'to make like an island'. Language is fascinating.

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