Hello Blipfriends!
Dolly Reporting today!
The day is almost over but Mum and I would like to wish all of you around the world a very Happy Easter! Joyeuses Pâques! Frohe Ostern! God Påske! Schöni Oschtere! Glad Påsk! Gelukkig Pasen! イースター、おめでとう
After Mum came home from church we went to her sister's for a family celebration. Since Mum's Great-Nieces, Aneeta and Jasmine would be there, we prepared an Easter basket for them - see the Extra photo. As well as chocolate, a mug, more chocolate, napkins, chocolate, an egg cup and more chocolate, we included a nice storybook for them called 'God Gave Us Easter'. We hope they will enjoy this book over the years!
Hallelujah! Christ is risen!
He is risen indeed! Hallelujah!
(The card on the left is from my best Blipfriend, Alice, and her mum. The chocolate rabbit and the card on the right is from my dogsitter, Dorothea. Mum says I'm not allowed any of the rabbit!)
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