Son rise

He is risen!

Doug and I went up to church early so I could go up to the top of the hill for some sun rise photos.
The mist never lifted! We'll not until some time during the service. But I really enjoyed being up and looking over the hills. I took a number of macro shots.
The service was very good and made better with 6 baptisms.
We stayed for both services but spent the second resetting the coffee and donuts.
After church we all went to Devin an Emily's for lunch. Hailee and Emily's mom came too. Ian sent a photo of himself with some Easter candy on duty!
We had a lovely time. :)
Once back home (at about 6:30) I sorted some washing, took Hogan for a walk, and unsuccessfully tried to copy the photos from my phone onto my passport cause I'm running out of room again!

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