Better than expected

A very wild night was followed by a better than expected day weather-wise - although we didn't really think so when we were being hail-blasted on the beach this afternoon. After breakfast (and a run for two) we headed to Newquay for a food shop, a potter and a coffee. We had thought we might need to dodge showers but there was nothing of the sort until well after we got back. Before that we wave watched; the blippers took lots of shots (including of each other) and Bailey ran between us on Little Fistral beach.

Back to the bay and the two runners got their bikes out. I read and fed Bailey and the official Bailey-sitter waited to surf. And then down to the beach to watch the surfers, although we didn't last that long as observers because of the rain that felt like hail.

Tea out this evening at the refurbished pub that was a firm favourite. Good food but unnecessary serving paraphernalia have made it slip down the preference list. And the wind has picked up again tonight. It can do what it likes at night so long as it doesn't keep us awake and there is some blue sky in the morning.

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