
By crabtree

Bienn Eighe

A snap taken on my phone of Olly at the top of the gully (forget the name). This was one of the highlights of the trip for me. The week before we arrived Scotland had seen a lot of high pressure, and when we arrived the conditions were not as snowy as we had hoped. This felt like proper winter conditions to me and was the first time I have climbed a mountain this way. 

We didn't see another soul the whole day, and as the cloud was down it felt pretty adventurous. After a spot of scrambling on the way to the summit, we ended up turning back on our way to the second Monroe of the day as the weather really came in and we didn't fancy going down the gully in the dark, snowfall and 40mph winds! Just as we got to the bottom, the weather cleared and we were treated to a bit of a view (see extras). What a day!

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