Easter Monday

The weather really put me in panoramic mood.  It was late afternoon and I'd just finished that little project I'd been involved in for two weeks;  Monday, I'd said, and I was done, right on the dot, so off for a little spin.  Hubby suggested going to the Rucphense Hei, or the meadows of heather in Rucphen, but, as we all know, there's not much colourful heather at the moment.  I took the suggestion seriously, though, and drove in that direction, but, as happens occasionally, something distracted me on the way -- the pretty cotton clouds parading above the A58, which I had to cross.  I parked about 200 m from the viaduct and had to resist the winds, which were blowing at force 7 or 8.  This shot was taken from the middle.  Of course I took other shots and you'll see a couple in the extras.  This is the highway leading to Breda from our place.

A very very nice and pleasant Monday.  Last thing I did before going to bed was type down the minutes of last week Tuesday's meeting and mail it to the colleagues.  I wonder if they'll notice the rather late hour of the mail -- 00.24, accompanied by a little note from me:  'Better late tonight than early tomorrow morning.'

Oh yea, little bit of pleasant news.  I got a letter and copy of an invoice from the publisher of the business English book I revised two years ago -- looks like some royalty payments are on the way.  At the same time, hubby has decided to cash in on his rather meager online poker winnings (we're talking about a 10-year period here of nickles and dimes ... or should it be shillings and pence?) because the tournament finally closed.  Nope, no high fives but extended banana grins the whole day.  Every little bit helps.  Every.  little.  bit.

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